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Pink Skirt

Your Life’s Seasons -
Your Progressed Lunar Cycles

Self study course

on the most important cycles of your life, with your personalised report included

 From only  
   59 EUR!  

See the big picture of
your life's unfoldment: understand
where you've been, where you are and
where you're going!

Get answers to the following questions:

Where is life trying to lead you?

How do your life's events fit together to form a meaningful whole?

What season are you living in now:

what is it time for?

 Welcome on the journey of seeing your life  through your  progressed lunar cycles  
- unique 30-year eras  with natural waxing   and waning phases!  


   The benefits   

Get deeper insight on...


Get deeper insight on the meaning of past life events and experiences, and how they fit into the grander scheme of things. See the role that individual experiences have played in your life and why they were necessary to bring you to where you are now.


Understand where you are in the context of your larger 30-year life eras: what is the season you are currently in? Planting new seeds, growing, peaking, disseminating value, integrating, emptying? Clarify your compass to ease decision-making and living in flow in the now, wherever that is for you!


Get perspective on who your true self is that life is orchestrated to help you uncover, layer by layer! By understanding where you've been and what season you are currently in, you will also be able to contextualise what is coming 'around the bend'. Set goals and make plans accordingly, to set yourself up for success in living out your unique purpose!

The progressed lunar cycles course gave me so much more than I expected. I had no previous knowledge of the lunar cycles, although I was familiar with astrology, so the self-study course was a real deep dive into the subject. It was really interesting to explore the contents of my own progressed lunar cycles report and to reflect on what has happened at each stage of my life and whether the same themes recur and what phases might be coming up next. The course video supported my own report very well and the examples made me think about my own life stages from a completely new perspective. The best part, however, was the personal video call and what Saila highlighted for me during that.


The phases of the moon opened up for me in a whole new way and continue to do so. I have returned several times to my own progressed lunar cycles report because it is such a comprehensive package including not only the progressed lunar cycles but also my own birth chart in both tropical and true sky constellations. I highly recommend the course if you want to understand yourself and the bigger picture and purpose of your own life in more depth.


Also, I’m using your workbook as an astrological cheat sheet for the houses and phases of the moon, this is a really high quality package. Thank you!

Mountains Meet Lake

Are you tired of...

🙅...the nagging feeling that you are not using your time, energy and skills on the right things?

🙅…insecurity around your ‘why’ and what you came into this life to create?

🙅…lacking clarity around what certain events or experiences have been trying to teach you?

🙅…feeling like you are drifting, or finding yourself back in a place you thought you’d left behind?

🙅…a fuzzy big picture view of the various, maybe disjointed-seeming jobs, projects, hobbies, causes that you’ve engaged in during your life?

🙅…different areas of your life pulling you in different directions or your inner compass clashing with external requirements?

🙅…the feeling of limiting repeating patterns or trends, the root of which you can’t quite grasp?

🙅…difficulty making decisions or knowing what the next step to take is?

This course will help bring you more...

🥰…of a clearer inner compass for decision-making around where you spend your energy and resources at any given time.


🥰…of a broader perspective of where you’ve been, where you are at and where you are going.

🥰…understanding about the cyclicality of your life, its ebbs and flows, its natural waxing and waning.

🥰…visibility into the big picture of what your life is about as well as meanings of individual events and experiences.

🥰…gems of wisdom and meaning in past events, challenges, disappointments and life lessons.

🥰…peace, compassion and confidence with where you are in life and what it is time for right now.

🥰…ability to flow with the seasons of your life, now and in the future.

🥰…increased trust in your own direction, your inner wisdom and your heart's voice.



I've been there!

I've always felt like there is a clear purpose to my life, yet used to struggle with what that big picture actually was. I felt like I'd been spreading myself too thin between different projects, roles, communities, interests and causes that I was involved in, not seeing how it was all connected. Frustration seemed to always lead me to start something new, until it led to me stopping everything.

Some years ago, astrology started providing a string of aha moments unlike any I'd experienced before. I started seeing the interwoven web of meanings and connections that everything in my life contributed to. 

Astrology has really been the missing component in my inner work toolkit to be able to uncover meanings behind challenges and unforeseen turns of events. Not only that, it's allowed me to understand cycles of time and fine-tune my actions based on what part of certain cycles I've been living out at any given time. 

Of all the astrological timing methods, progressed lunar cycles has personally given me the most insight into the totality of seasons and eras in our lives. In my early thirties, I was going through a withdrawing and emptying phase, without understanding what was going on. Afraid it was a linear development, I tried to fight against it and push against my limits.

Learning about the progressed lunar cycles, and seeing I was in the waning crescent phase, brought enormous comfort. There was nothing wrong with me after all. I was supposed to be feeling withdrawn, introspective and like a certain part of life was coming to an end. I understood that this was not a permanent linear development but a necessary transitory phase in a cyclical process. And I finally allowed myself to feel just that introverted and tired without trying to fight the current.

Understanding what time it is (and what it’s not), in turn, helps me to practice patience and even enjoy what has felt like an uncharacteristically slow period in my life. The old wisdom about living with the flow of life rather than against it holds true.

This course has been born out of my love for learning to surf the cycles of life - and sharing those insights with others! I warmly welcome you to join me if you're the tiniest bit curious!

Full Moon

What is the progressed lunar cycle??

The most important cycle of your life.

The progressed lunar cycle takes the less than 30-day lunar cycle - the basis of all life on Earth - and converts it into a 30-year cycle unique for all individuals, the basis of each of our own lives, calculated from our exact birth time. The eight progressed lunar phases represent seasons of 3-4 years in the process of your inner evolution and unfoldment into your true self. These include the natural fluctuations of waxing and waning phases - life is far from a linear progression!

More in the blog post "The most important cycle of your life".

Prog lunar cycle phases.png

🌑The Phase of New Beginnings (New Moon)
This is a time to plant new seeds for future growth, new projects and new ideas. This phase is the darkest phase, where only a vague, grand new vision may exist, with nothing concrete to show for it yet. A thirst for something new, a change of direction can be felt internally, but externally life may look just the same. Something about the old life feels empty or expired, though. There is often confusion with not understanding why the old doesn’t feel good anymore, not knowing exactly what needs to change and how, nor what the new direction really looks like. The confusion may be paired with overall tiredness.

🌒The Phase of “Hello, World” (Waxing Crescent Moon)
Here, the vision is very much clearer and initial efforts begin to take shape - what has been planted begins to surface. However, there is the shock of bringing your creation out into the world for the first time, emerging from the safety of the dark underground. This initial meeting with the external world may bring resistance or criticism for what you are building, and require a toughening of skin to stick to it and make a break with the past.

🌓The Phase of Crisis in Action (First Quarter Moon)
The growth of your creation has increased in momentum and visibility. The vision really needs to be clear now, fully committed to, with support systems in place, to make sure growth is channelled in the intended direction and all weeds of the past are discarded.

🌔The Phase of Adjustment and Productive Growth (Waxing Gibbous Moon)
You are now living with decisions made earlier, with no way to alter the direction anymore due to the momentum driving your creation forward. Practical adjustments, fine-tuning and problem-solving to ground the creation into the everyday is required. Intense productivity is aiming towards the upcoming culmination of efforts.

🌕The Phase of Material Culmination (Full Moon)
What you have created is at its most mature and illumined; energy, efficiency and intensity at its highest. Accomplishments are now visible ‘for the whole world to see’, for better or for worse: if things have gone according to plan, the successful culmination can be celebrated - if not, disappointment may ensue. In any case, the limits of material growth have been reached. As with the flowering of a plant, there is a re-visioning of purpose: the flower wasn’t the end goal after all, but a means to an end, to be able to disseminate the seeds aka distribute value gained earlier in the cycle.

🌖The Phase of Paying it Forward (Waning Gibbous Moon)
Interest in the common good and societal impact naturally grows, along with the need to be able to ‘give back’: to share with a broader audience the skills, experience and value that you have gained in the cycle up until now. Attention is transferred from material creation to the immaterial understanding and creation of meaning and purpose.

🌗The Phase of Crisis in Life Philosophy (Third Quarter Moon)
Reflection on what it all means becomes even more central, as does sharing meaning with others, whether that’s in the form of teaching, training, philanthropy etc. Something of the old structures in life begins to crumble away, if it hasn’t already. There is an internal pressure to crystallise what you have learned into an all-encompassing and broadly serving life philosophy, to understand meanings deeply, and ease your grip on the material world.

🌘The Phase of Retreating Inwards (Waning Crescent Moon)
The cycle concludes with a necessary emptying period. There is an irresistible pull inward for reflection with a focus on the big questions of life, inner work, rest, healing, integration, peace and letting go. Energy has been waning throughout the last phases, is now very low and keeping up a previous tempo of activity, whether at work or in other areas of life, becomes basically impossible. The old structures further unravel, which is just as painful as is tight the grip on them. Crystallisation of the entire cycle matures into a new need or new question for the next cycle of growth and discovery ahead, which may already show as new interests and new learning happening at this phase.

Content of the

self-study online course

1) A tailor-made, personalized workbook for interpreting your progressed lunar cycles

Prog lunar cycles visual 2.png

The workbook includes

your personalized report on the timing of your progressed lunar phases and their location on your birth chart, 100 years onwards from your birth (note: you need to know your location of birth and birth time to the minute for this calculation

your lunar phase at birth
written instructions for interpreting your progressed lunar cycle report
a mindmap template to help you visualise the different events of different seasons in your life, their meaning and their part in the larger cycles
self-reflection questions to support your inquiry into your cycles
✅ the Sabian symbols of your progressed New Moons to help uncover the symbolism of different eras in your life
your birth chart according to both the tropical zodiac and true sky, astronomical constellations 
(please note: this course does not contain instruction on how to interpret your entire birth chart, but instructs how to understand which areas of your life the progressed lunar phases activate) 
✅ brief descriptions of the astrological signs and houses

Valued at 99 EUR

2) A 2h course video on progressed lunar cycles and phases

Prog lunar cycles visual 3.png

The course video teaches you everything you need to proceed with your own interpretation of your progressed lunar cycles. Therefore, you do not need to have prior knowledge of astrology to comprehend the material, but if you do, it will help you go deeper quicker. The course video contains:

✅ a general introduction into what progressions are
✅ what the progressed lunar cycle is and what it’s phases are
✅ what the symbology of the progressed lunar phases is, and how that affects the meaning of your life events happening during a certain phase
✅ how your progressed lunar cycles, eras of your life, fit together to form the bigger picture of your life and your unfoldment into your true self
✅ the signification of your lunation phase at birth, or your natal lunar phase
✅ how the progressed Sun and Moon activate energies and areas of your life during the cycles
my real-life example of interpreting life events and experiences through a progressed lunar cycle
✅ instructions on how to utilize the workbook

Valued at 39 EUR

Don't let the  duration  of the course video fool you! This is not a glimpse & skim kind of course... You may find yourself with  a gift that keeps on giving, on an endless journey of uncovering meaning layer by layer. Not only that, you will learn to interpret the cycle phases not only past and present but for your whole entire life ahead!

Understanding the course material, applying it to your own progressed lunar cycles report and uncovering meaning behind your life events will happen in layers. You get more out of the process, the more you invest into it. I still learn something new every time I revisit my progressed lunar cycles, too.

3) An optional add-on: Personal Q&A video call with me (30min)


This video call with me will give you the opportunity to clarify anything you like about your progressed lunar cycles report or the rest of the course content, or have me further interpret symbology behind your cycles. I recommend that you schedule this call only after you have delved into the course material, to be able to make best use of our conversation.

(Valued at 59 EUR)

  Get the whole course   from only  
  59 EUR!  

Psst... take a peak into the course:

Saila's progressed lunar cycles course gave me a huge amount of new information. The subject was foreign to me beforehand and I was amazed at how the course increased my self-awareness and brought out the cyclical aspect of life. I found it useful to learn about and explore the progressed lunar cycle. I went through the course slowly, pausing and processing the information.


Although the course requires independent work, I felt that I was involved in the learning process. The two-hour instructional video contained an incredible amount of information and Saila's very detailed and calmly paced teaching helped me to internalise the information. The workbook was beautiful, clear and really informative. The whole course was clear and the teaching was very high quality.


Saila has an incredibly inspiring way of teaching and she really knows what she is talking about. The combination of the video and the workbook worked great. If Saila creates more courses, I would definitely want in again.

Welcome! My name is Saila.

I am an astrologer and coach, dedicated to learning about why us humans feel, think and act the way we do. I’m on the path of bringing to light and integrating my multitude of parts, and embodying my natural rhythms. All towards the unfoldment of my true self and my unique creative potential, one tiny step at a time. To bring more peace, ease, sparkles of joy and currents of flow into any nook and cranny of the human psyche I can reach - and it's first and foremost an internal job, of course, because "as above, so below - as within, so without". What brings me most joy is being able to share useful and practical learnings with others such as yourself!

I love working as a bridge-builder and dot-connector and weaver-of-realities, shining a light on the potential I see in others and helping tell more empowering stories of where we've been individually and collectively, as well as where we are going. Digging down to the root causes of issues, to really be truly free and live in our power. There's so much amazingness for us all to create on planet Earth! Each as our unique selves. Are you with me?!​


Those sparkly-eyed insights, aha-moments, relief and clarity are all waiting for you...

You won't find this course anywhere else!

How is this course different? Other courses that teach progressed lunar cycles, do not include personalized reports of your own cycles, let alone tailor-made for a non-astrologer to be able to understand. Especially not in the two systems I use, the tropical and the true sky systems!

Still wondering if this course is for you? It could well be, if the following applies to you...

Mountains Meet Lake

Are you tired of...

🙅...the nagging feeling that you are not using your time, energy and skills on the right things?

🙅…insecurity around your ‘why’ and what you came into this life to create?

🙅…lacking clarity around what certain events or experiences have been trying to teach you?

🙅…feeling like you are drifting, or finding yourself back in a place you thought you’d left behind?

🙅…a fuzzy big picture view of the various, maybe disjointed-seeming jobs, projects, hobbies, causes that you’ve engaged in during your life?

🙅…different areas of your life pulling you in different directions or your inner compass clashing with external requirements?

🙅…the feeling of limiting repeating patterns or trends, the root of which you can’t quite grasp?

🙅…difficulty making decisions or knowing what the next step to take is?

This course will help bring you more...

🥰…of a clearer inner compass for decision-making around where you spend your energy and resources at any given time.


🥰…of a broader perspective of where you’ve been, where you are at and where you are going.

🥰…understanding about the cyclicality of your life, its ebbs and flows, its natural waxing and waning.

🥰…visibility into the big picture of what your life is about as well as meanings of individual events and experiences.

🥰…gems of wisdom and meaning in past events, challenges, disappointments and life lessons.

🥰…peace, compassion and confidence with where you are in life and what it is time for right now.

🥰…ability to flow with the seasons of your life, now and in the future.

🥰…increased trust in your own direction, your inner wisdom and your heart's voice.


Green Shadow

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to know astrology to take the course?

No, you don't. All concepts will be explained on the course itself. You may get the gist a bit quicker, or be able to go deeper, if you do have previous understanding of astrology, however it is not a requirement. You also make use of the 30min add-on Q&A call where you can clarify anything you like about the course content, and you can of course always reach out to me via email to get clarifications.

When is my course material delivered?

Orders are fulfilled in the order that purchases are made, so act now! Due to the tailored nature of the report being made for you based on your birth details, course material is delivered within 2 business days of receiving your birth details, assuming there is no queue. You will receive confirmation of this schedule after your birth details have been received.  


What are the birth details I need to provide?

Your birth date and time to the minute is needed to make the calculations that the report is based on. Also your location of birth is needed - this means e.g. the location of the hospital you were born in: the city, state, country. You can email in your details to right after purchase to expedite the process, or otherwise, Saila will be in touch with you via email. 

Is this a live course?

No, the course video is prerecorded, and you can review the material at your own convenience. Your 30min Q&A call will be done as a live call over Zoom, though. 

How do I schedule the Q&A call?

After you have got acquainted with the course material and spent some time reflecting on what your progressed lunar phases say about your life events, please email with a few suitable time suggestions as to when you would like to have your call.

How much time should I reserve to go through this course?

The course video is slightly over 2h in length. It makes sense to reserve at least 2h on top of that to go over the self-reflection questions and map out your own progressed lunar phases as directed in the workbook, to be able to gain the benefits of understanding the symbology behind the phases and see how the bigger picture in your life has formed. Of course you may want to spend much longer than that, depending on how deep you want to go. Personally, I still learn something new every time I revisit my progressed lunar phases, as more life constantly unfolds.

What are the mentioned tropical zodiac and true sky, astronomical constellations?

There are multiple systems of astrology, with the most common 'Western astrology' using the tropical zodiac with 12 signs, each 30 degrees in size. There are major discrepancies to the true sky, astronomical constellations which e.g. differ in size, sometimes overlap, and sometimes have gaps in between. Some of the differences of these two systems are explained in the workbook. 

As far as I have understood from my own and others’ experiences, the tropical zodiac still works well for many, at least for the everyday self and everyday roles, mundane life events and in understanding the external expectations and cultural programming that we face. True sky astrology exists as an opportunity for deeper exploration into the true self beyond our everyday consciousness and mundane roles. Who is the true self that also the progressed lunar cycles challenge us to uncover, layer by layer? The inclusion of both systems in the workbook, instead of just either one, aims at providing you with the tools that supports your personal process in the best possible way. I therefore hope that you use the system that best serves where you are at right now. Or play around with both, if you feel called to. Only you yourself can know your internal experience and what is best for you.


Does this course teach me how to read my birth chart?

No, this course does not contain instruction on how to interpret your entire birth chart, but instructs how to understand which areas of your life the progressed lunar phases, the progressed Sun and Moon activate. 

Where can I get additional information or answers to questions that are not listed here?

Please get in touch with Saila!

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