Time is cyclical.
Understanding what that means in practice helps us to understand how things, situations, relationships and sequences of events in our lives are interconnected. What recurring themes or even subtle undertones may be trying to teach us.
Definitely the most important cycle of our lives are each and everyone’s unique progressed lunar cycles.
The lunar cycle is not just about the Moon's own motion, but, like all cycles, it’s always relative: the lunar cycle consists of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon as seen from Earth, i.e. the angle or aspect between them in the sky.
The relationship between the Sun and the Moon, the lunar cycle, is the most fundamental basis of life on Earth. It is the motion by which the Sun steadily shines its life force, which the Moon the reflects and transforms into a digestible form for Earth’s inhabitants. The Moon distributes this life force in phases, giving structure to life on Earth: starting with the planting of new seeds during the New Moon (when the Sun and Moon are conjunct in the sky); growing through the waxing phases towards the culmination of the Full Moon (when the Sun and Moon are in opposition), and retreating again through the waning phases, internalizing lessons and experiences, and distributing value, then emptying, before the beginning of a new cycle.
The phases of the progressed lunar cycle
The progressed lunar cycle takes the less than 30-day lunar cycle and converts it into a 30-year cycle. The first 90 days or so of your life are transformed into the first 90 years of your life in progressions, about three progressed lunar cycles that form the backbone for the eras of your life. The eight phases of the cycle described below each represent a progressed lunar phase of about 3-4 years, so we are talking about a slow inner evolution.
🌑The New Moon is the darkest phase of the cycle, when the Sun gives the Moon a new boost of vitality. This is a phase of life when many new seeds are planted without yet knowing which ones will sprout. The phase starts from the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon.
🌒During the Waxing Crescent Moon phase, what has been planted begins to surface. The pressure to become visible increases, but is struck by initial contact with the external world. The phase starts from the the Sun and Moon forming a half-square angle.
🌓The First Quarter Moon phase is a "crisis of action": what you have created starts to grow and its increasing needs require a support system to channel growth in the desired direction. The old that no longer serves must be got rid of, if it hasn’t yet been done. The phase is initiated by the Sun and Moon squaring each other.
🌔At the Waxing Gibbous Moon phase, you need to finetune and make adjustments to your creation, and live with decisions made in earlier phases. The nearing Full Moon can be felt with rising visibility and clarity. The phase starts from the Sun and Moon forming a sesquisquare (square-and-a-half) with each other.
🌕At the Full Moon phase, what you have created is at its most mature and visible; energy, efficiency and intensity at its highest. It can also be a time of disappointment if the creative process has not gone in the desired direction. The Sun and Moon are in opposition at the start of this phase.
🌖By the Waning Gibbous Moon phase, also called the Disseminating Moon, a shift has been started from the concrete to the world of meanings: this phase of implementation involves sharing the skills, lessons learned and value gained with others. The Sun and the Moon are again in a sesquisquare with each other at the beginning of this phase.
🌗The Third Quarter Moon phase brings a "crisis of consciousness": reflection on what it all means becomes even more central, as does sharing meaning with others. Something of the old structure begins to crack. The phase starts with the Sun and Moon squaring each other again.
🌘The Waning Crescent Moon or Balsamic Moon phase brings a greater pull inward for reflection with a focus on big questions, inner work, rest, healing, integration, peace and emptying. The old further unravels and a new need or new question matures for the new cycle ahead, which may also manifest as new interests and new learning happening at this phase. This phase starts with the Sun and Moon again making a half-square aspect with each other.
We don't experience progressed lunar cycles in sync with others the same age as we are, because we all start our first cycle at a phase unique to us: depending on what phase of the lunar cycle we are born in. This lunar phase at birth says a lot about "how life works within us" and how we act to achieve our life's purpose, to quote progressed lunar cycle pioneer Dane Rudhyar.
The earlier in the lunar cycle a person is born, the longer their first progressed lunar cycle, whereas the later in the lunar cycle a person is born, the earlier in their life they already experience a progressed New Moon that begins their second progressed lunar cycle.
The timing of the changing of cycles can be hugely important in a life, which is why understanding where you are at in your own cycles can bring a ton of perspective to what any given life event means and how it fits into the larger picture of your entire life.
My experience of progressed lunar cycles
I myself was born late in the lunar cycle, and experienced the end of my second progressed lunar cycle early in my thirties. This was a distressing experience at first, as I didn't know what was going on as my energy dwindled and pulled me more and more inwards. I feared I was "retiring from life in my thirties" - I was in the emptying and withdrawing of the Waning Crescent phase. Realising this brought enormous comfort. Firstly, in understanding that this was not a permanent linear development but a necessary phase in a cyclical process. Secondly, in finally allowing myself to feel just that introverted and tired without trying to fight the current.
My third progressed cycle started in the autumn of 2022, and the renewed purpose instilled at that time is still in its first steps of being brought into earthly reality - as it should be, since I’m just a couple of years into the nearly-30-year cycle. Awareness of this helps adjust my expectations of "how far along" I can be, and how quickly (aka slowly) I expect things to materialize at this point in my life.
Of all the astrological timing methods, understanding progressed lunar cycles has personally given me the most insight into the totality of seasons and eras in our lives. Understanding what time it is (and what it’s not), in turn, helps me to practice patience and even enjoy what feels like an uncharacteristically slow period in my life. The old wisdom about living with the flow of life rather than against it holds true.
Are you already familiar with your progressed lunar cycles? Or do you have an interest in learning how to interpret them? Welcome to the online self-study course "Your Life’s Seasons - Your Progressed Lunar Cycles"! In this course, you will receive a course video and workbook, including a tailor-made report of your own cycles for the first 100 years of your life, as well as guidance on interpreting your life events through the lens of your inner evolution represented by your progressed lunar phases. Get yours quick to make use of the discounted price of 24,90 EUR!
Wishing you empathy, kindness and insight whatever season you are living in your life,